There are two places that the AC-20 can go. Down low where the transmission was, or up high where the gas tank used to be under the seat. I'll have to do some figuring to see which one will work out to be the best position.
The first set of pictures show the motor mounted low. The bottom of the motor would be at the same level where the exhaust pipes used to be. The face of the motor is on a fairly close plane to the face of the drive shaft.
The second set of pictures show the motor mounted high, under the seat. The face of the motor is a few inches forward of the face of the drive shaft.
This last set of pictures shows the relative size of the motor and batteries in the bike frame. The "tank" is actually just a plastic air cleaner cover. That entire area is open, I will probably be putting the Curtis 1238 controller and the battery charger under there.
The battery mockups are of the Sinopoly 60(b) cells, as you can see there is room for a lot of them. I'm going to also mock up some 100's to see how they fit.